12 November 2005

Educating the public again

It is unsual to see the reactions some people have to things. In my everyday life I tend to be around the more unpleasent side of life, That is of course work (before I get slapped by Mrs Druss)

I thing an additional campaign is needed to educate the public. If you were to look at the demographics of the users of the 999 system and specifically the ambulance system I think you would notice two things.

1st the number of calls to areas with a 'lower social level' would be the greatest quantity with the highest percentage of those being a result of alcohol one way or another.

2nd the population of middle class (for want of a better term) would make the fewest calls with them calling their doctor instead of bothering the ambulance.

The reason I bring this up is the confession of a pt I recently helped from their car at A&E

When I ask what brought them to the hospital that day, "I had chest pain at home and came in." and "I drove myself because I knew you would be busy."

Now, as drivers, how do you feel about sharing the road with someone in that state? happy? I think not.

Lets make things really simple chest pain could be trapped wind but it could be a heart attack. so lets play doom and gloom, its a heart attack this is when the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen. When deprived of oxygen, parts of the heart muscle will begin to die = more pain. You may find this a little distracting whilst at 70 mph in heavy traffic. When you mess around with the heart muscle it doesn't work properly it can cause conduction problems and lead to arrhythmias some of which are not conducive to safe driving. Or driving at all or even living.

So the chest pain that may have lead to a heart attack, may end up with a car accident and a heart attack. If your hearts in a bad way your body really should be to give you the best chance. If your going for points you may not only take out yourself, but possibly others, maybe an entire line of people wating for a bus.
I'm not trying to paint a nasty image these things do happen and we have enough to do with drink and drugs on the road with out worrying about these extra jobs.

There are many reasons to call for an ambulance. Chest pain is high on that list. Another equally important reason to call for an ambulance . An ambulance is a phone call away. People who know what they're doing come to your house and start taking care of you transporting you to a definative care facility. We can do things whilst someone else drives. Last I checked, not even Rolls Royce offer defibrillators as optional extras yet.

If you feel as though you are having a heart attack or stroke, don't drive yourself to the hospital. Don't have your spouse drive you. Please call us. It could save your life and the lives of others. It could also stop us getting to pick up another drunk who is just going to swing for us, vomit and once checked spend the remainder of the night in the cells. Let us help and use the skills we spent years learning.



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