14 June 2006

Time for a talk

It has been months since my last blog. To those who still occasionally check this I have not fallen from the earth. I am sorry but I have been ... I don't know but my time has been taken up in all manner of ways. so here I am 2 and a bit months down the line.
Work wise I have been very busy extra courses:- paediatrics, trauma, life support, driving. You name it I've been doing it.
Now you maybe thinking what's happened but nothing that interesting.
There is no other reason than I wanted learn and to keep everything up to scratch. But it has kept me mainly out of trouble.
The next few months will be providing me with a lot of changes. people leaving, people joining, people moving on, up, down, sideways.
So I have been thinking about change in general.

Most are comfortable with the status Quo, Some because it allows them to relax and have a routine, Some because it is easier than the effort to affect the change they want. This does not mean that they don't dream. But they need real incentives to push that dream or conviction to say this is my dream and I will make it happen. The problem with this is that it can leave you open and vunerable and unless you are really focused you will worry so much about the ground that you won't reach for the stars.

So I have continued with my desision that I will not be one of the people who in years to come will say I wish I had......

A bit touchy feely I know. But, it's my blog.

more will follow

To Be Cont....


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