29 January 2006


The last few week since I have been away have given me a further insight into life. Things change, opinion varies and the world moves with them. After a recent death in the family I have changed my views slightly.
My relative became ill. My first thoughts were with the training I have received.
Right lets get some fluids up to rehydrate lets change the medication to combat the confusion and assist with the AF and a broad spectrum antibiotic for the infection.
I was then asked why?
Who was I trying to save?
me or them?

I thought about it more and more. It was difficult to accept that I was wanting to treat for me so I could say I tried. Until that point I had not really been objective. If this had been someone else family and we had been called we would have considered quality of life and wishes of the individual as well as that of the family. Because this was so close I thought I could so I should not I could so should I?

We attended the funeral a couple of weeks ago now, I think it was the right treatment choice to make comfortable but it doesn't make it any easier for anyone.
But we live and learn and what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

28 January 2006

A New Hope

So I think this might be me getting back on form. Another busy week under my belt. and we are getting near that time again the dreaded changeover. This time just to confuse the allied health professionals they are making the changeover a week later. The new docs the consultant cover is boosted 'just in case' and the M&M meetings become more of a teaching forum. so If you get ill in the next couple of weeks you might just want to go skiing, or on a quiet beach somewhere because that's where you will find all the consultants who managed to swing an early week away. They hide now and comeback when people are settled.

I've been using my skills and I think made a difference. I've also realised, with a little help, that In the long run do the things we do matter to the big picture, May be not (probably not) But do we all look at the big picture all the time, the answer is no so is it not true that in the life we lead, is it not just the things we are doing that matter.

This might be a little strong for the first real Blog of the year but there we are. I have been thinking whilst I've been away.

10 January 2006

I think I should apologise to those who still even check this site for letting my rantings dwindle over the last couple of months. Things have been hectic and not really getting better yet. Everything seems to be in a sort of limbo at present. The post that some saw and was then withdrawn has led to some further activity. not the posting but the job. so that is still ongoing. But Here is a new year and hopefully more fun and exciting times. Sorry for not posting and those peopl I have not spoken to or phone recently, sorry I will be in touch.
Keep safe